Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy Lame Attempt To Not Have A Cliche Title

That was, of course, 'Happy Gregorian Increment' until I changed it. Hope you had a good holiday whomever and wherever you are! If you're even reading this. And if you're not reading this, how is it getting into your head? Deep? Or stupid? It's a fine line. Not it isn't. It's just stupid.

Couple of quick things to start off the year that aren't nonsensical conversations with myself:

  • Listen to Stephen Fry's podcast on language. It's especially brilliant even by his high standards. (Cory Doctorow of BoingBoing sums it up well with suitable verbiage).

  • Check out the 'mini-blog' on the right, which is why I haven't been posting as often. For the web literate amongst you, it's simply my bookmarks. It's quite useful as a link-sharer and allows me to make a quick comment on each link, which stops a proliferation of one-link blog posts. You can subscribe to it separately, which you should do immediately, as I am ace and only ever include the highest quality linkage.

Right. Get to work. Forget the naysayers, 2009 is gonna be a great year! (If people actually took this advice, the 'tough economic times' would stop being a self-fulfilling prophecy...)

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